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Two Common Reasons Why Child Support Payments Are Too High

If you’re one of the millions of single parents or divorcees who are paying child support, you may feel overwhelmed and confused by the cost. Generally, child support is meant to be an affordable, reasonable expense. In the best cases, it shouldn’t cost more than it would to support them if you lived in the same home.

Many who are struggling to keep up with their child support are experiencing at least one of these two scenarios.

  1. The Original Order Is Incorrect

Child support is based on both parents’ incomes, and both parents pay for it. One person spends child support on the kids directly, and the other supplements this expense with payments.

An incorrect court ruling can have lasting effects on a person’s financial stability and well-being, especially when it comes to child support payments. There may have been a miscalculation, or the judge could have been biased toward one parent.

Whatever the case, you have the right to challenge any unfair, burdensome ruling and seek more a more reasonable payment.

  1. You Had a Major Life Change

Job Loss or Significant Reduction in Income

A court makes child support calculations based on each parent’s present circumstances. When the paying parent loses income, those calculations become too high. This can result in financial stress and make it difficult to provide for both you and your child.

If you’ve lost income through no fault of your own, then you can plead for a payment reduction.

Changes in Custody Arrangements

Any in your custody agreement, such as a shift from joint custody to sole custody, should change your child support payments, too.

Child support is based on how much time you have with the children. Remember, when you keep them for an extended period, you are spending money on them directly.

An Increase in the Child’s Needs

As the child grows older, their needs change. There could be a dramatic shift, such as with medical expenses or education costs. Such changes are not always anticipated at the time of the initial child support agreement. This can cause support payments to rise, becoming too high to manage.

Disability or Illness

When either the parent or the child experiences a disability or illness, child support payments can become overwhelmingly high. The added costs of medical bills, therapy sessions, and other necessary expenses can quickly add up, making it difficult for parents to make ends meet.

Modifying Your Child Support Payments in KY

Child support payments in Kentucky can be modified. This is true whether you’ve experienced a significant life change or the original order was incorrect.

To modify child support payments in Kentucky, you must file a motion to modify. Do this with the court that issued the original order. You must provide evidence to support your request for modification, such as financial documents and information about the child’s needs.

Once you file this motion, the court can schedule a hearing where both parents can present their arguments. The judge will consider all evidence and make a decision based on the best interests of the child.

It is important to note that child support modifications cannot be made retroactively. You cannot recover money you’ve already spent, so it is critical to file as soon as possible.

You should also seek the assistance of an attorney who can guide you through the process and represent your interests in court.

If you’re finding it difficult to keep up with your child support, contact Law Office of Pamela C. Bratcher today for help. We may be able to review your case and help you decide what to do next. Free consultations are available, to reach out to us online or call us directly at (270) 783-8311.


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