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Most Common Car Accident Injuries in Kentucky

Car accidents are a common occurrence in Kentucky, and they can result in a variety of injuries and even death. If you have been injured in a car accident, seek medical attention immediately and seek the help of a good attorney as soon as possible.

Pamela C. Bratcher, Attorney at Law, has extensive experience in helping those suffering from the most common car accident injuries and those who have suffered unusual harm. Attorney Pamela Bratcher has over 30 years of experience and is passionate about alleviating the financial pressure that accident victims face.

What Are Common Injuries in a Car Accident?

A car crash can threaten your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and you should be compensated for all types of damage an at-fault driver causes you. Among the most common car accident injuries are the following:

  • Whiplash. The often disabling stiffness and pain that whiplash causes in the upper body can go undetected at first, so seeking medical attention right away is crucial.
  • Head injuries. Head injuries can range from mild concussions to severe brain injuries and must be taken seriously.
  • Neck and back injuries. The high impact of car accidents can jerk you in multiple directions and slam your body against many hard surfaces. These violent motions can cause strains, sprains, nerve damage, and harm to the discs in your spine.
  • Chest injuries. A driver or passenger in a car wreck is at high risk of striking their chest against a steering wheel or dashboard, causing broken bones, bruising, or organ damage. 
  • Soft tissue injuries. Injuries to muscles, tendons, and ligaments can be caused by many factors, such as being thrown from a car or hitting hard objects inside the car.
  • Broken bones. Broken bones from a crash can occur in any part of the body and may require surgical intervention and significant rehabilitation time.
  • Internal injuries. Injuries to organs inside the body can be caused by a variety of factors, such as being hit in the chest or abdomen.

These are the most common car crash injuries—but there are others. These injuries come with costs, and you can file a claim for compensation for these costs and crash-related losses.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

Do not ignore even the most minor symptoms after a car accident. As we noted above, car crash injuries pop up later or worsen over time. If you don’t receive a medical examination right away, you might miss a crucial diagnosis, and you might not receive the level of care you need. Forgoing immediate medical attention might also cause the insurance company to deny responsibility for symptoms that show up later. Attorney Pamela Bratcher can put you in touch with the best healthcare professionals and effectively fight for all the compensation you deserve.   

Compensable Damages for Car Crash Injuries and Related Losses

If you are injured in a car accident, you can receive compensation for many types of damages, including the following:

  • Current and future financial losses, such as healthcare costs, wage loss, and the cost of repairing or replacing personal property;
  • Pain and suffering; and
  • In rare cases, punitive damages to punish at-fault parties for acting with malice, fraud, or gross negligence.

The amount of compensation depends on injury severity, the accident’s circumstances, and the quality of your evidence. 

Obtaining Compensation

You can receive payment for your losses by submitting a claim to the at-fault party’s insurance company or filing a civil lawsuit. 

Insurance Claims

An accident case typically starts with an insurance claim. The insurance company will likely ask you to make a statement, ask you to present evidence of your damages, and offer you a settlement. You should not engage with the insurance company without the help of an experienced attorney. Many insurance companies try to twist your words and find loopholes to deny paying you what your case is worth. But attorney Pamela Bratcher can defeat these efforts to maximize your recovery.

Civil Lawsuits

If the insurance company does not offer you an adequate settlement, you can take your case to court. You can present evidence of your claim and let a judge or jury decide the amount of your award. 

You have only two years to start a car crash lawsuit. Whether you file an insurance claim first or go straight to trial, you need to take action quickly. 

Get the Best Recovery with Us

Attorney Pamela Bratcher has decades of experience and has obtained substantial settlements for many personal injury victims in Kentucky. Our firm is here for you. Contact us online or call us to schedule a consultation.

Resource List

  • Common Types of Car Accident Injuries, Neurodiagnostics Medical P.C., link.

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